Life in the UK is a satirical essay, published as a part of Flamme Forlag's book single collection. It's an ambivalent love letter to a country consisting of carpets in the bathroom, monarchy fetishism, binge drinking, Worcester-sauce, tabloid newspapers and an ingrained skepticism of everything European.


about this book

Heidi Sævareid has lived in the UK since 2015, and along with thousands of other EU- and EEA citizens, she risks deportation if there's a no-deal Brexit.  What sort of bureaucratic challenges must she go through to get permanent leave to remain? How many stacks of papers will she have to provide? How well does she know the country she has settled in, and will she be able to pass the "Life in the UK" test? 

Life in the UK is based on 24 actual questions from the online revision page for the test that all immigrants must take to be granted permanent residency. The essay was written as a way of dealing with Brexit anxieties - and as a way of having a few laughs. 



«Complex, smart, elegant and occasionally satirical … Strikes the right balance between darkness and levity.»

Mette Karlsvik, Ny Tid


«– One of the funny things about the UK, is that people are very critical of Donald Trump and his xenophobia. They share lots of anti-Trump stuff on social media, but they don’t address the dramatic changes that are happening in their own country. And the people that are against the EU, tend to not have any in-depth knowledge about the EU.»

Interview in Bokvennen Litterær Avis



Flamme Forlag, 2018